Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Best Gift of All

So here it is.

The end of the year.

We've made it!

Despite Everything.

And I hope to all that your year wasn't as arduous as mine.

But what's great for me? Well, tomorrow! Because the end of a year is always my favorite time of year. It's when I get to brush off the old and cleanse myself of it again. It's when I get to rethink my life as not to repeat what's bad and learn the new me. It's when I get to celebrate my rebirth like the Phoenix of legend, or Gods of Old.

But tomorrow for me is special: Tomorrow is the day of my birth. And that it's at the end of the year (give or take a day) means so much more and makes it so very special.

And because my birthday's time of unfolding is gift enough, I wanted to give back to all who have supported me.

So nothing would make my day more than if everyone took home there own copy of Ampersand: E'haile & Talia completely free of charge to everyone (Amazon only) beginning tonight at 12:00 a.m Eastern time and ending 11:59 p.m Tuesday night.

This awesome story making your Year's End great, or bringing you into the New Year with a bang would be the Best Gift Of All only second to the Greatest, Most Specialist Readers In The World (And that title is worth boasting over).

So one thing I can reflect on is how great you all are, and how kind and patient people still are, and that makes both my day, year, and entire life. Only, in all earnest meanings, I want to say thanks. And enjoy.

--Happy Holidays, And a Very Special New
Year!!! :)

Fey Truet!

Don't forget to check out 
Get it free (on all formats) at Smashwords

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Now Available On Kindle!

I'm proud to finally say Ampersand is now out on Kindle.

Be sure to pick up a copy for a good Halloween read.

If you haven't already, read an excerpt here.

And sorry for inconvenience when reading the excerpt. I've been made aware of the faulty links and have fixed them. 

And if you are looking to further your thrilling holiday, pick up a copy of A Girl Named Trouble in Book and Ebook formats.

Don't forget to like and share and subscribe for updates.

--Once Again, Happy Halloween.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Happy Halloween!


Thanks for Visiting Today.

And As A Special Treat To You
I Present You With,
(And This is No Trick):

And if you're looking for a thriller to curl up with come Halloween, Ampersand will be out on E-book October 30, available exclusively at Amazon.

As always, have fun, and have a safe Halloween full of treats,
but seriously, 
don't forget the tricks.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Coming Soon!

Never forgetting a promise they made and true to their words, E’haile (Hailey) Summer and Talia Hayes meet for the first time in a few years and call a truce.

They need to get over past grudges and get stuff done before the deadline is up.

But when a monster attacks them and strange things begin happening, to them, in Faraday, they’ll have to work together to survive the worst threat their lives have known.

E’haile & Talia forever intertwined.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump. Who's the better story book villain?

Clinton vs Trump!

Today, while taking a reading/editing/mindless typing break, I decided to learn a new Yoga position: Crow's pose. It's not so hard, you should try.

So I tuned into a dailyburn video, meanwhile, a commercial came on slamming Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, as if it was her fault an entire graveyard of fallen soldiers was solely to blame on her. If that was true, it got me thinking, then she'd be one of the worse villains ever. 

And I've also seen the commercials repeating disturbing things Trump has already said, commented on, and done in the previous heats of the moments in his life. If that is speaking from the heart, then what color is it? Possibly a good villain color, maybe. Or maybe it's red like everybody else's and it's a show in the heat of the moment? 

I've been thinking about villains a lot lately, both abstractly and concretely.

And a lot of people have told me, "Our next president will either doom us or dig our graves," or, "the next president, no matter who wins, will be a monster." So I guess neither Clinton nor Trump are ideal presidents in the public eye.

But guess what? They both won popularity contest. Despite any accusations of bribes, lies, or misguidance, they both won what could be called the biggest popularity contest in the country.

And one of them, just short of saying "Psych!" anywhere between now and November, will be our next president. 

So now, what's been on my mind: If both of them are so horrible, then who would be the worse (as in the best) story book villain? The secretive and attractive Hillary Clinton, woman of mystery, capable of mass sabotage, or the loud and boasting Donald Trump, business tycoon, proven to openly attack his opponents?

I have to get back to work, but this will probably weigh on my mind.

Oh, and don't forget to check out 

'Til next time

Saturday, July 23, 2016

LOVE Your Villain~Or At Least Hate 'Em!!!

Villain Inspiration

In most stories, there is a hero who triumphs over a villain.

The villain serves to accentuate the heroine. Villains are the white to your heroes black and vice versa. Villains show us the ups and downs to our hero; the good and the bad. And without the villain there is no heroism, or very little. The villain brings out aspects in a story that moves us, and shows us that our hero is only as good as our villain. The villain makes the hero, and without them, the hero doesn't shine. The hero doesn't exist.

Does the villain have to be evil? It seems like a "Well-duh!" question, but let's think on it. 

So first let's ask what is evil? 

My little cousin swore up and down that I was evil up until we were about twelve because I shared my Snickers with everybody but her. But she was also diabetic and real brat at that. Now she's willing to admit I wasn't but back then, never. In Medieval times, people were absolute in their belief that women deemed witches were evil. In recent times, some people are being so bold as to claim that all police officers in U.S are evil.

So my guess would be that evil is a perception. It is one truth that clashes against another, the truth that opposes your own being the malevolent one.

By definition, it would be:

adjective: evil
  1. 1.
    profoundly immoral and malevolent.

    • (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil.

    • harmful or tending to harm.
      (of something seen or smelled) extremely unpleasant.
noun: evil
  1. 1.
    profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.

    • a manifestation of this, especially in people's actions.

    • something that is harmful or undesirable.

However, when writing, evil can be all of these or completely different. As long as it characterizes both the villain and the hero. 

Evil takes on a new face, especially when violence is involved, in stories. And evil's new face can be like bringing a gun to a knife fight. If it's done right, it's just plain wrong. And in a good story, the evil has to be wrong. It has to be bad. The villain has to have a truth that is rotten right down to the core of every individual who opposes it.

Evil in stories is more than opposing truths. Evil is a lie that must be brought to truth in the most debasing, get down and dirty, fight to the last breath way.

So does the villain have to be evil? 

Well, yeah, they can be. But they don't have to. 

However some form of evil has to be afoot if you want a hero. And an unevil, sometimes even nice, villain is very unorthodox without a twist. 

It's been proven, people love villains burning evil down to the bone. But a villain who's not evil, it sounds interesting, but not without a twist. That could be that that the none evil villain is moved by circumstances that portrays him as evil or that they have a split personality. The villain could be confused or just not in control. Or maybe the villain is not the villain at all but is fighting for justice and the supposed hero is the mixed up one, and that detail, being confined until the very end of the story, is the twist.

But no, the villain doesn't have to be evil, but, in turn, they should be to everybody else, or at the very least, the hero. They should definitely be opposed, and do things that would make people, the hero even more so, cringe in opposition. 

Think Joker to Batman. 

I'm not saying make clowns even more creepier by making them without a conscience and having them kill people with gas that warps their face screepy. Noo, unless that's your signature. I'm saying make a worth while villain people will love to hate, or just love period. That they'll remember. That will leave and imprint too bold to disappoint.

And remember: Love, Or Hate, your villains. It's a requirement for a strong response.

I love all my characters and hate my villains in 
And if you like them too remember to share all your love and opinions with everyone.


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Altered World in Paper back and Sequel Updates!

Get the first half of Altered World: A Girl Named Trouble in Paperback.

Use Promo-code: TF6GY3ZF to get 40% the list price on Createspace!

The Second Half of Altered World: A Girl Named Trouble, Brick & Bones
Coming Soon to Paperback!

Coming Soon to Ebook is the Sequel to 
Altered World: A Girl Named Trouble,
Altered World: Beastly Manners!

Here is the cover without font!

Storm's Phoenix

I think this is cute!!!

Storm's Phoenix T Shirt

Visit Here!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Altered World Tops!

For a limited time only, Get your very own Trouble Tee or Hoodie!

The tees come in red, blue, ash, white, and black.
The hoodies come in royal red, pink, ash, dark gray, and black.